Turn Out

There has been no shortage of cold, windy days which to work Rusty in.

Today I put my saddle on. We’ve been using the barrel saddle, a very handy little saddle that my father won in a raffle. The people doing the raffle were not happy that he chose the saddle over the money, I’m glad he did it’s been the most handy little saddle ever. Mostly it’s my daughters saddle but occasionally it gets pressed into service to start colts. My saddle on the other hand doesn’t like to face any possible danger and is a little heavy to be tossing around. I love and treasure my saddle, it was handmade specially to fit Coyote. Extra wide bars for his rather rotund frame. And now I’m trying to use it on Rusty.

I think I need a thicker saddle pad. Definitely a shorter cinch.

Oh well, not getting on him quite yet anyway.

We worked in the round pen. Rusty did great. Soon I think we will be ready to show what we’ve been working on but hate to jinx it by saying that.

I love turning him back out when we’re done. I force him out the gate and, if the other two aren’t there to make things difficult, he swings over against the gate, the way I’ve taught him for mounting, and begs to be sat on. Who am I to deny him. I sat on him today halterless, in the howling wind and scratched until I thought my fingers were going to fall off. Then said good bye as he stood, waiting, wanting more.

2 thoughts on “Turn Out

  1. TElllingson

    That saddle end up costing quite a bit. Didn\’t fit Tally, but suddenly filled me with longing for a saddle, first western ever. So we had to go buy one or two. Be careful. Don\’t get too comfortable sitting up there with no control! I know you are careful, one foot on the gate, right! Good work, you have come far so quickly.

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