Sunshiny Weather
It’s been a sunshiny couple of days.
Rusty’s feet are ouchie after the cold spell. He’s feeling better, but is still not working, no matter how much he begs.
Sunshine is getting big!
Which has been reminding me that I need to work on getting him ready to ride! He’s going to be old enough for a light start this coming summer. I need some beautiful tack for him…
His tail is dragging in the mud, so it got braided. He’s loosing baby teeth! One of those bottom front teeth fell out in just the last couple of days. It was there last time I looked. He is learning to fetch, but only the curry comb handle. The dang cat was determined to be underfoot. So I put him on my shoulder to ‘help’ so he didn’t get run over. Sunshine took his second saddling, with a real saddle, very well! Even with the wind and cat. He’s doing very nicely.
We’re working on giving to pressure, from reins and on his sides. As well as just getting used to the saddle.
- Triple Whorls
- Left Brain Extrovert