Pool Noodles
I got my first one. I don’t know why I waited so long. Seriously, they cost a whole dollar a Walmart. Why not bite the bullet, take the plunge, I invested my money.
I tried getting Rusty to target with his knees years ago, one or two at least It didn’t work. He touched the pool noodle once and I clicked him, he had it instantly. I think the difference here was that the other target was the one we had been working on targeting with his nose. He wanted to bite it and we couldn’t get past that. Between both of us have lots more experience and never having seen one of these things is his life it worked wonderfully.
He does a decent Spanish walk but I want him to have a great one. We are lacking speed, height, and collection. He wants to put his nose way down and his hind legs trail way behind. With the pool noodle as a target he is lifting his knees much higher and chasing after it. Two problems being worked on already. Standing next to him I could see his withers rise. He dropped his nose to sniff the noodle but once done he would lift his head again. I think this is going to help us a lot, I just wish I could remember who’s video it was showing this.
- Coyote
- April Blizzard
who’s video showing what? looking good to me!