Horse Time

It’s been weeks since I got to do anything with my horses. That final push to get calves worked and fences up so they could go to pasture combined with the frantic rush of activity that accompanies the end of the school year took up every available drop of time and energy.


Today after spending the morning taking care of the few cows remaining here, tagging my daughters new calf, feeding everyone, and working in the garden, I was determined to get in some horse time. The sun was out, briefly, between rain showers and I thought for sure I could get just a few minutes in.

So of course the horses were on the farthest side of the pen. They happily, slowly, meandered up when I called them. So I left the gate open as I got toys ready in the pen. They followed me in, and went to grazing. In all the time since I last worked them in there the weeds had filled in nicely. The green was more then they could resist, or be drawn away from.

So they ate. I got some pretty pictures before the storm rolled in. Maybe tomorrow we can play.


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