Calm and Confident


I got Heildorf because he was started. I ‘thought’ it would be nice to have one horse who was ready to ride without needing too much work.
Boy was I wrong. He was so badly traumatized by his starting that he not only needs started over but lots of help overcoming the trauma from complete learned helplessness.
So he spends most of his time hanging out in the pasture. I wanted to teach a horse to jump through a hoop though so he got to come play.
It was quickly apparent that he would have to learn to work calmly with me first. Nothing could be accomplished if he ran in terror every time I asked him to go forward.
This is three days work.
The first day he nearly drug me off my feet.
The second day he was able to control himself and was beginning to realize he didn’t have to run from me.
The third day we tried working in just a neck rope. Not up to trotting yet but calm and controlled. With me because he wants to be not because he can’t escape.
We will keep building from here and hopefully overcome his fear of people.

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